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Enhancing Coworker Engagement at EngageMED: Insights from the March 2024 Stay Survey and Future Steps

Jason Thurman

EVP, People & Culture

Dear EngageMED Coworkers and Clients,


At EngageMED, we understand that our success is intrinsically linked to the dedication and satisfaction of our coworkers. To this end, we conducted a Stay Survey in March 2024, aimed at gauging the current levels of coworker engagement, identifying areas of improvement, and gathering valuable feedback from our workforce. We are pleased to share some key insights from this survey and outline our plans for the upcoming engagement survey in August 2024.


Key Insights from the March 2024 Stay Survey

The Stay Survey in March was a comprehensive effort to understand the factors that influence our coworkers' decisions to remain with EngageMED. Here are some of the critical findings:

Job Satisfaction: A significant majority of coworkers expressed satisfaction with their roles and responsibilities, highlighting meaningful work and opportunities for professional growth as key motivators.

Work Environment: Many coworkers appreciate the collaborative and supportive atmosphere at EngageMED and EngageMED clients’ clinics. However, isolated areas for improvement were identified at some workplaces, particularly regarding work-life balance and workload management.

Leadership and Communication: Effective communication from leadership was cited as a strong point, though there were suggestions for more transparency and inclusivity in decision-making processes.


Career Development: While there are many opportunities for growth, some coworkers feel the need for more structured career development programs and clearer pathways for advancement.

Recognition and Rewards: The survey revealed a desire for more frequent and diverse recognition of coworkers' contributions, beyond traditional performance reviews.


Action Steps Based on Survey Feedback

Based on these insights, we have initiated several action steps to address the feedback received and enhance the overall coworker experience:

Enhanced Communication Channels: Efforts are underway to improve transparency and inclusivity, including more regular updates from leadership and increased opportunities for coworker feedback during 1:1 meetings with their managers. We have also emphasized the importance of monthly staff meetings.

Career Development Programs: We are developing succession planning to provide clearer career progression paths and support professional growth.

Recognition Programs: EngageMED launched our Terryberry program in 2023. Terryberry is utilized to celebrate coworkers’ anniversaries. The Paylocity community will be utilized to recognize achievements and contributions more frequently and diversely.


Looking Ahead: EngageMED Engagement Survey August 5th – August 30th 

Building on the momentum from the Stay Survey, we are excited to announce the launch of our Engagement Survey in August 2024. This survey will be more comprehensive, aiming to delve deeper into various aspects of coworker engagement and satisfaction. Key features of the upcoming survey include:

Broader Scope: The survey will cover a wider range of topics such as diversity and inclusion, clinic leadership, and technological support.

Enhanced Anonymity: To ensure candid feedback, we are implementing enhanced measures to protect the anonymity of all respondents.

Actionable Insights: The survey will be designed to generate actionable insights, with a focus on identifying specific areas for improvement and developing targeted action plans for each department and clinic.


Your Participation Matters

We encourage all EngageMED coworkers to actively participate in the 2024 Engagement Survey. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us create a work environment where everyone can thrive. By sharing your experiences and suggestions, you play a crucial role in shaping the future of our organization.

At EngageMED, we are committed to fostering an engaging and supportive workplace culture. The insights from the March 2024 Stay Survey have provided us with a clear direction, and we are dedicated to implementing meaningful changes based on your feedback. As we prepare for the upcoming Engagement Survey, we look forward to your continued support and participation in our journey toward excellence.

Thank you for your dedication and contributions to EngageMED. Together, we can reach Excellence.


Jason Thurman,

EVP, People & Culture

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